
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Ellington Kid Shot Analysis


The Ellington Kid

 The Ellington Kid  General Points:  - The focus on the butcher's knife in the opening shot implies some kind of violence will come into the story  - The use of 'based on a true story' hints at something ominous but then it is followed up by 'kind of' which reflects the slightly more comedic overtones of the film and diffuses the tension slightly  - The ominous atmosphere combined with the fact that Nathan's story is triggered by Beefy eating a burger suggests a disturbing theme of cannibalism   - The ending shot of the kebab shop worker smirking whilst sharpening a knife introduces an element of ambiguity as to whether Nathan really was joking or if there was some truth to the story. However, the film ends there which leaves an open ending in which the audience doesn't know the true story. This links back to the titles at the beginning that tell us that it is sort of based on a true story.  Representation: - Nathan and Beefy are presented as relatively come

What is a short film?

 W hat is a short film? The Oscar definition for a short film is: 'an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits'. Whilst, the maximum length is roughly 40 minutes most short films fall in to the category of being between 5 and 20 minutes. Due to their limited running time, short films tend to have smaller budgets and therefore smaller casts and crews. Short films are less concerned with making a large profit and are therefore usually done in an amateur-fashion or without support from large studios. As they are not intended to be box-office hits with mass audiences, there is more room for short films to be experimental and odd with lesser known actors as there aren't millions of dollars on the line. Once again due to a shorter running time, short films tend to have less complex and more concise plot lines compared to feature-length films and therefore include quicker character introductions and scene setting so as not to use

Activity 1: pros and cons of digital and physical work

  Digital vs Physical Presentation of Work  I have found that in general, it is easier to present electronically. I prefer to do work/make notes with pen and paper but digital presentations are much more engaging so I tend to use digital formats when presenting. Using digital formats such as blogs or powerpoint is much easier as you can edit it as you please and there is also room to include aesthetically pleasing effects or layouts which make the work more engaging. When presenting orally, I think that digital platforms are so much better because it is easier to layout your work in a way that you can read off it under pressure. However, when it comes to a project that does not require any speaking to go along with it I think both physical and digital presentations have advantages and disadvantages. A physical presentation, for example, can sometimes look more impressive and show off the amount of work that has been put in so in that respect it can be better. Digital Pros:  - easier to