
Showing posts from October, 2021


  SCENE 1 SHOT 1 Wide shot of Emma and Caroline standing at the entrance to the woods. The bars on the fence are reminiscent of a prison and are therefore a nod to the mock prison line-up which will follow and ‘The Usual Suspects’ mock voiceover from Caroline which accompanies the scene. The two girls are unhappy, they are annoyed at each other and the fact that they have to do this stupid teambuilding exercise  SCENE 2 The two girls talk whilst walking through the woods. The camera tracks in front  SCENE 3 SHOT 1 Dale is being aggressively enthusiastic.  SCENE 3 SHOT 2 Quick cut to the girls looking miserable and unenthusiastic for comic effect.  SCENE 4 (montage) Montage of the two girls walking in the woods. They are not having fun and can be seen having frequent arguments about directions. Emma attempts to eat berries of a bush, gets stuck in some branches, trips over a root.  SCENE 5 SHOT 2 Bird’s eye view shot of the forest floor. Dale’s bloodied and ripped Hawaiian s

Location Rec

  LOCATION 1: (SCENE 1) This location will be used for scene 1 in which there is a mock prison line-up. The bars on the gates are a nice reference to prison bars which makes the fake line-up funnier.  The gates are next to a road so there is a chance it will be noisy but it is a relatively quiet entrance so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.  LOCATION 2: WOODS (SCENES 2, 4, 8) Scenes 2, 4 and 8 all need non-specific woodland scenes. The woods are large and have lots of good paths and areas which would be suitable for these kinds of shots.  The light is very dappled in the late morning (photos were taken 11:45am) on the higher side of the woods (bottom two photos) so in order to get the most consistent light we will need to shoot on the lower side of the woods (top photo).  The woods are very noisy which could prove to be problematic as there are lots of bird sounds and sounds of other people. In order   to best avoid this we should shoot earlier in the morning when there are