

How does this compare to the other short films we have studied?

- It is relatively long for short film 

- There is no clear resolution 

- There are no attempts to sway the audience in terms of their relationship with Caroline 

What are the themes of this short film?

- honesty, acceptance, grief, family 

What is your response to the main character? How does this change?

- The initial response to Caroline is pity as she appears to have lost a family member

- However, this then changes once we learn that she has been making it up

- This changes again once it becomes clear that she has in fact experienced a tragedy and is coping with it in an unorthodox way 

How is the film structured - what knowledge do we have and when? How does this affect our viewing experience?

- Structured around the phone calls with each call revealing a new detail to the audience 

Is there a distinct beginning-middle-end?

- Distinct segments which are signposted by each phone call but there is no clear conflict resolution arc 

Consider the ending - is it closed/open? Satisfactory?

- The ending is open 

- It is unclear whether the final call is in fact the final call or whether it is a flashback to the actual event of the accident 


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