Props, Cast, Costume


Caroline: Honey Gawn-Hopkins

Emma- Hattie Millard

Dale- Clemmie Thompson

Finding actors for Caroline and Emma was relatively easy as the characters are meant to be teenage girls. I chose Hattie and Honey because they are my friends as well as being good actors. They are also in my Film Studies class so I knew they would have a certain understanding of my project and the way that filming was going to work. 

For Dale, I settled on Clemmie because I thought it would be easier than trying to find an adult man willing to play the role. Whilst Dale was originally cast as a man I don't have any issue with changing the gender as I don't feel that it was an important element of the character. Clemmie was also willing and able to do an Australian accent for Dale which was an element that I wanted to include for maximum comedic effect. 


The story of my film made sourcing props quite easy. Because the death is set-up I was able to get away with using shoddy props such as ketchup instead of proper fake blood because it would be believable that that is what Dale would have used. 

  • fake blood- either buy online or use ketchup (I ended up just using ketchup)
  • animal fur- I used my cat's fur which I stained using tea so as to make it brown without having to spend money on dye 
  • map 
  • clipboard 
  • compass
  • hawaiian shirt- sourced from a friend 
  • wasabi peas (buy)
  • monster munch (buy)

For Caroline and Emma: outdoor wear e.g. leggings, raincoats etc. - Honey and Hattie were able to source these easily as they are very simple items of clothing that most teenage girls have. 

Dale: Hawaiian shirt, sweatpants, cap- I sourced a Hawaiian shirt for Dale's character, Clemmie was able to bring sweatpants and I also brought along a fishing cap which I thought would elevate the character. 


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